
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

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DURHAM, N.H.-来自永利app新版本官网地址的专家可以讨论2024年N的独特性. H. 初选及其在大选中的重要性——关注全国第一的地位, issues that mean the most to Granite staters, 这些话题如何影响候选人,这场竞选在所谓的紫色州和其他地方意味着什么.

Dante Scala, a professor of political science他是全国公认的总统政治和竞选专家. His expertise includes the N.H. primary, American campaigns and elections, state and local government, American political development and politics in general. He can speak to the history of the N.H. 初选以及它在整个总统选举中的作用. 斯卡拉是《永利app新版本官网地址》和《永利app新版本官网地址》的作者.

Scala can be reached at Dante.Scala@xjiu.net; 603-540-4018

安德鲁·史密斯是政治学实践教授,也是UNH调查中心主任他是全国知名的总统选举专家.S. primaries and political polls. 他可以讨论初选在新罕布什尔州政治格局中的作用, as well as the nation, and how it may influence the polls. 他在学术调查研究方面有30多年的经验,是《永利app新版本官网地址》一书的合著者.

Smith can be reached at Andrew.Smith@xjiu.net; 603-343-7732